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Payrun Type

Payrun Type configurations contain all configurations related to pay creation.

Steps to configure settings

  1. Navigate to Administration Configuration --> Payroll --> Payrun Type.
  2. Expand the row to go into the configuration subgroup.
  3. Expand the row for the sub group to get into the configuration rule
  4. Click on the "Pencil Sign" to edit a configuration items.
  5. Enter relevant details.
  6. Save the configuration.

Table 1 : General Configurations

Subgroup Rule Functionality
Non Pay Week, Normal, Special and Termination


Send an alert that shows deductions that have exceeded a predefined threshold. This threshold is configured in the payroll module as "Percentage Deduction allowed from Gross Pay (%)". The "Email To" is configured in the payroll module as "Email address to send deduction over gross alert".

Send an alert that shows pay has been updated. This alert is sent to the employee's email address.

The email will contain the ESS link for the employees to review their payslip.

AlertSuperNotDeducted Send an alert showing a list of employees where super has not been deducted. This alert is sent to the payroll email address configured in the payroll module as "Payroll Email Address".
AlertVerificationChecks Send an alert showing a list of verification checks when a pay is created. This alert is sent to the payroll email address configured in the payroll module as "Payroll Email Address".

Calculate the compulsory portion of superannuation. In certain cases this would be turned off. Example: when uploading opening balance entries.


  • "Deduct Super" should be enabled on the employee profile.
  • "Super ID" should be updated for the employee.

Calculate the excess portion of superannuation. In certain cases this would be turned off. Example: when uploading opening balance entries.


  • "Deduct Super" should be enabled on the employee profile.
  • "Super ID" should be updated for the employee.

Calculate all taxes. Example: PAYE, FBT, etc. In certain cases this would be turned off. Example: when uploading opening balance entries.


  • "Tax Scale" should be enabled on the employee profile.
  • "Tax ID" should be updated for the employee.

Enable "Missing Time" cash payment. Changes pay method from "Direct" to "Cash" when employees have missing time on the pay day. Exceptions for an employee's having "Missing Time Paycode" which overrides this rule. Reverts payment method to "Direct" after the pay is updated.

Notes :

  CreateNormalHoursZeroQuantity This will create the pay for an employee with "Normal Hours" as 0. This is useful for employees on "timesheet" where there is no leave or time entry in the system. The pay will be created with amount as 0 and when the pay is updated leave will accrue for the employee.

Include "Achievement" entries that are marked as monetary when creating a pay.


  • "Paycode" should be updated for the achievement.
  IncludeAllowance Include "Allowance" entries when creating a pay.
  IncludeBenefit Include "Benefit" entries when creating a pay

Include "Contract Expiry" entries when creating a pay. The employee is marked as terminated after the pay is updated. Send an alert showing a list of employees that have their contract expired. This alert is sent to the payroll email address configured in the payroll module as "Payroll Email Address".


  • Contract expiry date should be updated before pay update.
  • Contract expiry date should fall between the pay date.
IncludeCustomization Include customization entries. This is applicable to customers having customizations that creates custom entries in pay.
  IncludeDeduction Include "Deduction" entries when creating a pay.

Include "ESS Time" entries when creating a pay.


  • Timesheet should be approved.
  • "Payroll Paycode" should be updated for the "Activity" used to created the time entry.

Include "Final Pay" entries. Creates a leave balance payout, leave accrual payout and marks the employee as terminated after the pay is updated.


  • Termination date should be updated

Include "Leave Loading" entries when creating a pay.


  • Enable leave loading and set the lease loading % on the "Employee Profile" on the "Payment Tab".
  IncludeLeaveTransactionsSold Include "Leave Transactions" that are "taken" and "sold" when creating a pay.
  IncludeLeaveTransactionsTaken Include "Leave Transactions" that are "taken" and NOT "sold" when creating a pay.
  IncludeShiftAllowance Include "Shift Allowance" entries when creating a pay.
  IncludeStandardPay Include "Standard Pay" entries when creating a pay
  IncludeTimesheet Include "timesheet" entries for employees flagged as timesheet when creating a pay.
  IncludeTimesheetForNonTimesheetEmployee Include "timesheet" entries employees flagged as non-timesheet when creating a pay.
  ProcessLeaveAccrual/rollover Process leave accruals and leave rollover when the pay is updated.
  UpdateNextPay Update "Next Pay" details when a pay is updated. In certain cases this would be turned off. Example: when uploading opening balance entries.